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You have probably heard that one of the best ways to improve the SEO (search engine optimization) rating of your website is to have dynamic content continually being added. A BLOG is a great way to do this. And even if you are using a marketing automation BLOG widget, the more original content you can add, the better. So here are some ideas for how in just 15 minutes per month, you can be adding great content to your BLOG.

For this to work, the content added as BLOG posts: 1) needs to be effective; and 2) it needs to be easy for you to create.

To be effective in boosting website SEO, here are 3 aspects to consider for your added posts:

Relevant to your business. You will want the content you add to be related to your business. Just because you can wax poetically about your favorite pastime, doesn't mean that it belongs on your website. The best dynamic content is consistent with the other content on your website, so combined, it enhances how your website is rated by search engines.

Useful information to visitors. This is important for several reasons. The first reason, of course, is that beyond the SEO benefits, you want people coming to your website to have a positive experience and to associate valuable information as part of your branding as an expert. And another reason to have useful information is that it increases the likelihood that visitors will bookmark or share links to your page, which helps your SEO rating.

Photo / video compatible. You will want to pick topics that lend themselves to including photos or videos, which helps make your posts more attractive.

And to be easy to create, as a home professional, you are in a great position to find inspiration for the above in the day-to-day course of your business.

So here are some ideas for creating easy, useful BLOG posts:

1) Unusual observations: No doubt over the course of every month you are finding some crazy things that cause you to shake your head and wonder what the homeowner was thinking. These are great opportunities to snap a quick picture, and then later you can create a post with just a couple sentences that tell what you found and why a homeowner would not want to let this happen in their home.

2) Excellent observations: This is a great opportunity to showcase your expertise as an experienced home professional. When you come across something during a home visit that you think others might have missed, it is a perfect opportunity to grab a picture and then later write a couple of sentences explaining what the picture is and what is special about how you found the issue shown.

3) Community activities: And if you are involved in community activities, these are great opportunities to include dynamic references to locations in your service area, which help the geographic aspect of your SEO rating. So if you are sponsoring a community event or giving out an award, this is another opportunity to snap a quick picture and then add a couple of sentences about the community event you were involved in. Just be sure to also include a mention of the location where it was held.



Colette barry
07/25/2024 6:59 PM

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